There is no line between art and pornography.
You can make art of anything.
You can make an experimental movie with that candle
You can make art of anything.
You can make an experimental movie with that candle
or with this tape recorder.
You can make a piece of art with a cat drinking milk.
You can make a piece of art with people having sex.
There is no line.
Anything that is shot or reproduced in an unusual way
You can make a piece of art with a cat drinking milk.
You can make a piece of art with people having sex.
There is no line.
Anything that is shot or reproduced in an unusual way
is considered artistic or experimental.
I would say that everybody is obsessed with sex.
Those who say they are not: either they are lying
I would say that everybody is obsessed with sex.
Those who say they are not: either they are lying
or they are denying their own reptilian side of their sex lives.
The only people I know who are really not obsessed with sex
are heroin junkies.
Gaspar Noe
(Este texto e esta foto foram indecentemente roubados ao blog Lontrices aí ao lado, com a devida autorização do dono).
2 comentários:
Tenho um amigo que diz:
Dono é proprietário de cão, eu sou autor, não dono… lol lol…
Grrrrr...béu, béu...lol!
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